
"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven" (Matthew 5:14-16).

An important word for the LORD's children. A word we must always keep in our hearts because it describes what a Christian should look like. God said that His people are to be a "peculiar" people (1 Peter 2:9). So different than everyone else of the world that they would stand out noticeably, like a light in the dark.

Keep in mind that this doesn't mean that Christians have a glamorous life. As a Christian, to be a light means that you have to act and react differently than what is natural when faced with the circumstances of life. For example, it would not be considered "natural" or "normal" to be joyful after having lost a job. It is not "natural" to sing praises to God while you are going through sickness. It is unnatural to not retaliate when someone is mean and hateful towards you. And yet, when you walk in this manner as a child of God, you are shining a light. Because behind that lost job is new opportunity to show people Christ. After that sickness is a testimony of God's mercy. And in the face of those that mistreat you, is a light of the Father's love.

Think about it this way,
People had to go without for others to know God as their Provider.
People had to be enslaved for others to know God as their Deliverer.
People had to experience chaos for others to know Jesus as the Prince of Peace.
People had to be sick for others to know Jesus as our Healer.
People had to die for others to know that Jesus gives life.
People had to experience loss and hurt for others to know the Holy Spirit as our Comforter.
People had to feel powerless for others to know the Holy Spirit as our Helper.

Just know that whatever you go through, it is not beyond God's knowing, and is most certainly not beyond His help. But you have to make a choice now. Decide now, even if nothing is happening right now, decide now to praise Him no matter what. Even if you cannot think of what to say, praise Him simply because He is God and is worthy of our praise!

Because whatever circumstance you find yourself in, it's not all about you. It's about God! His most glorious manifestations have occurred in the darkest of circumstances. If you are facing something that is too much for you to bear, take heart in knowing that God has allowed it for future glory.

Some of you may be thinking "She doesn't know what she is talking about!" "She doesn't know the pain I've gone through, the loss I've had!" And that may be true for some of you. I may not have been exactly in your shoes, but I do know great pain. I have experienced great loss. I have been so alone at times that I don't know how I made it through except that God willed for me to come through it.

My life story is not glamorous, and most people's stories are not. But I know in whom I have hope and in whom I believe. The LORD is my strength, my peace, my comfort. He has healed me to the depths of my soul, and I am ever grateful to Him. And guess what.... my story may not have been all that glamorous, but I know how the story ends. It ends with the Creator of all wiping every tear from my eye (Revelation 21:4).

So while I am here in this broken world, full of broken circumstances, I make a choice to shine the light of God so that others may come to know Him as I have. And I come to show you that there is hope in this world. It comes only from God through His Son Jesus. Hold onto Him as you move through this life. He will keep you steady and on track. He will lead you from a beautiful ending of this life into a glorious beginning of a new one.

Remember that God has a purpose for you in the midst of your circumstances and that purpose is to be a light in this dark world. To let people see Him in you. So let your light shine! Praise Him always because He is good and He is worthy of our praise. Praise Him always that His glory may shine through you into others. 

Let it shine! Let it shine! Let it shine!


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