What tomorrow holds......

What tomorrow holds.....

We plan, we organize, we worry, and agonize
Over a thing we cannot hold,
A thing we can never see.
It has no taste, no sound, no scent, no being;
And yet it changes every day.
Some run after it, some run away.
Dreams seek to rest on it,
Its where our minds chose to stay.
And yet it changes every day.
What tomorrow holds only One truly knows.
He is the Maker, omniscient,
The only One who makes tomorrows.
His word says to worry not, to make no plans;
Because only He is in control,
It all rests in His hands.
He is the beginning and the end,
Times upon times He sees.
So when He says to not worry,
It is His word I believe.
I do not know what tomorrow holds,
And cannot see what it brings;
But I can hold onto my God,
Who is good in all things.
What tomorrow holds, Only He truly sees.
I chose to trust in Him.
Though tomorrow changes from day to day
I know in whom I believe.

This song kept coming to my mind as I contemplated on what tomorrow really means and how God sees tomorrow. Click on the link to hear.

"What tomorrow holds...." written by Kelly M. Gaskins, 2016


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