Why am I just a Misfit?

About a week ago, the Bradford Pear trees in our city began blooming. It is one of my favorite sights after a long harsh winter. It reminds me that though things can look dead on the surface, there is still life in them.

But that is another message for another day!

We have a Bradford Pear tree in front of our house and it is the centerpiece of the yard. As a matter of fact, this tree was one of the reasons why we bought our house. What I did not know when we bought the house was that our tree is a little different than the many other Bradford Pear trees in the neighborhood.

Our tree is a late bloomer.

It is always the last to bloom in spring and the last to change its leaves in the fall.

To some people this may seem frustrating or even undesirable, but I love it. To me it is just perfect and so fits with me and my daughter. I, myself am a late bloomer, only just now coming into my own in my 30’s. I believe my daughter is very similar in this regard as well.

The Lord has taught me so much from this one little tree. He has taught me about His timing, and how it is never in line with mine. He has taught me about trusting Him even when I do not understand why things happen the way they do. He has taught me about His purposes, and how I don’t need to have all the answers because His ways and thoughts are higher than mine, and they are always for my good.

But one of the most recent lessons I have learned is that there are some people who were born to stand out from the crowd. They may seem a little odd to most everyone, but they are uniquely special to God. Most people would call them “misfits.”

I used to despise this aspect of myself. I could never understand why I was so different, why I just could not fit in. Often, I tried to fit in to the crowd, but all I ever found was misery and an emptiness of the soul. Even when I accepted the gift of salvation from my Lord Jesus Christ, I still did not fit in with my brothers and sisters of the faith. I oftentimes wondered, “What is wrong with me?”

But God began to show me that standing out from the crowd is a wonderful thing. Think about it, a rose stands out in the middle of the other flowers. A flamingo doesn’t fit in with the other flying birds. The sun and the moon do not shy away from being the biggest lights in the sky. A late blooming Bradford Pear tree stands out from the other trees. It may be the last to bloom, but it is also the last to display its beauty just as the other trees are losing their blooms.

Furthermore, when you read the Bible you can’t help but see misfits. Everyone in Noah’s day thought he was weird because he was the only righteous man on the earth. Joseph didn’t fit in with his family, or as a slave, or even as a prisoner, but he shined brightly as partial ruler over Egypt, second only to Pharaoh.

Let us not forget our greatest example: the Son of God Himself, Jesus.

Jesus stood out the moment He was conceived. A supernatural conception to a virgin woman. A birth heralded by Heavenly angels. A life lived sinless and righteous, as no other human had ever lived. Signs, wonders, and miracles followed Him during His few years in ministry. The religious hated Him and the sinful were drawn to Him. He was crucified by man and resurrected by God. And there is so much more to tell, but I bet you get the point.

To be a misfit is not a bad thing in itself. It depends on what you do with your differences. A misfit in the hands of God can become a David, a Jeremiah, a Mary, a Peter.

The enemy will try to convince you that not fitting in is a curse, that there is something wrong with you and you will never be acceptable to anyone, anywhere. Well we can end that discussion quickly. The devil is a liar! (John 8:44) End of story.

I’m here to encourage you to stop trying to fit into a world that you were made to stand out in.

If you are Christian, you may as well get over the grief of being a misfit. As a believer and follower of Jesus Christ your whole purpose is to stand out. This is what Jesus says you:

“You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men. You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:13-16)

You are the seasoning needed in a bland and flavorless world. You are a bright city sitting high up on the hill, outshining all the other cities around you. You are a light in the dark, drawing people in closer to Jesus.

So whether you are a straight-out-of-the-womb misfit, or a misfit born again by the Holy Spirit, I want to encourage you to embrace what it is that makes you so different. God did not make a mistake when He made you. He has a plan and purpose for your life. I can tell you from experience, you will be much happier if you go with God’s flow. Life is too short to spend it trying to be someone you are not. Jesus came so that we could have life and have it more abundantly. Do not waste this precious gift by trying to blend in with the world. You are made fearfully and wonderfully by God, and you are alive at this point in time for a reason (Psalm 139:14; Esther 4:14).

So get out there and spice up this world you salty misfit! Stand out beautifully in the Glory of God! Shine the light of the Gospel to whoever crosses your path today! You were made for this ðŸ’š


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