Out of the Mouths of Eagles....

“Out of the mouth of eagles, out of the mouths of His prophets comes a roar of power and strength crying “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty. The whole earth is full of His glory.”
With their beaks they tear down, but they can also build up.
With their wings they go to and fro, carried by the wind (Spirit).
With their talons they pluck up and uproot.
Strength and Power are theirs.
With their eyes they see far, far beyond all others.
The snakes slither on the ground and cannot hide from the eagles for they are far above the ground. Nothing is hidden from their sight.”

In prayer this morning, this word came to me from the LORD. For the church, I believe it is a word of both comfort and warning. God is raising up HIS prophets, that are called by Him, chosen by Him. Since they are His prophets, they will have a mighty call full of power and strength and they will exalt God above all things. They will declare the Holiness and glory of God. And their power and strength will come from God!

The comfort this revelation brings is that the LORD is making a clear distinction between those speaking His truth and those who are not. And these prophets of His choosing will operate in power and strength that actually helps the body of Christ instead of hindering it. The warning of this revelation is to those who have been speaking out of their own spirits (words not given by God) and to those in the Church who have been hiding like wolves in sheep’s clothing. They will have nowhere to hide within the gates of the Church any longer.

The description the LORD gave me of the eagle reminded me of Jeremiah’s call to be a prophet:

“Then the Lord put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the Lord said to me: Behold, I have put My words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to build and to plant.” (Jeremiah 1:9-10)

This tells me that prophets, true prophets of God, will come first to tear down and pull out some foundational beliefs that are harmful and unsteady, prior to building and planting the TRUTH of God on a clean slate. It’s the deconstruction required before new construction. It doesn’t sound pleasant, but how many of you know that it is necessary for our maturity as believers to have a solid, firm foundation in the LORD? I hope you knew that already. If you didn’t, now you do!

Eagles have powerful beaks that most people associate with tearing flesh, which it does. But with those same beaks, they can so gently and accurately build huge strong nests. What does this have to do with a prophet? A prophet of God is called to tear down the idolatry in the hearts of God’s people with the Word of God. They are to tear down the shaky foundations, the false doctrines, that people have tried to build on. Not to harm the people, but to help them. The words they speak will be Spirit and Truth. This is opposite to the flesh and will build the inner man (the spirit) within believers. The prophet will speak life to build strong foundations in people through the spoken Word of God.

Like an eagle’s wings, these prophets will be able to reach far beyond their natural ability. Eagles have one of the largest wing spans of most bird species, at times reaching 8 feet in total length. This wing span enables them to fly long distances without much effort, as they can catch wind drifts that carry them many miles. These prophets will be carried and led by God’s Holy Spirit. They will not go on their own effort or power, but by God’s command. They will be carried wherever the Spirit leads them.

And the talons? Eagles can use their talons to catch prey and to dig through and rearrange pre-existing nests (among many other things, but these two stuck out to me). I know this is a play on words, but this is how Holy Spirit showed me. A true prophet of God will be able to pluck up those things that prey on individuals and that hinder them. These can be habits, mindsets, personality traits, or any soulish characteristic that keeps a person from moving forward spiritually. In terms of uprooting, often prophets will help shed light, with the word of God, on some troubling areas in a ministry where people are “nesting.” They can dig through the “mess” and uproot foundational beliefs that are not quite in order with the word of God. With the spoken Word of God they rearrange the “nest” so that it serves its God-ordained function.

I believe many people know that an eagle’s eyesight is quite amazing. They can see colors that humans cannot and see distances completely beyond natural human ability. When in flight, eagles are always scanning their surroundings. A prophet must be always aware of their surroundings in the spirit and in the natural. God has given them a gift of sight, insight, and discernment to see past what most people can see. It can come in the form of a vision, a dream, or even a word from the LORD. This insight is not just for the prophet’s personal use, but to see for the Church, for a nation, for individuals, for Leaders, etc. A true prophet will receive notice of enemy attack well before the attack happens. They can see approaching storms and rough terrain that lies ahead. They can see Heavenly strategies and outpourings ordained by God. I think you get the point. They can see far ahead so that they can then prepare for what is to come, whether it be good or bad. This preparation comes in the form of prayer, fasting, and seeking the LORD for direction and strategy. With this knowledge, the prophet can then warn or advise the person or group of whom the prophet has had the revelation about.

Please remember that this insight is from God and is not some “psychic” sensation. Beware those who claim to have insight into the supernatural but do not attribute their gift as from God or even display the fruits of God! I completely believe in seeing the fruits first! No matter what "gift" a person has, if they don't have the fruit of God, they are just a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13).

The heavenly insight given to true prophets of God is just as it sounds, it’s from God Who is in Heaven, Who sees and knows all things. As Christians we are seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus, and He is above all things (Ephesians 2:6). When we understand this, then we can see our enemy the way he actually is. A snake on the ground.

An eagle soaring high in the sky can spot a snake slithering on the ground with clarity and accuracy. And has a strategic advantage over the snake. You see the snake can only hunt what is in front of him. An eagle hunts what is below them! A true prophet will be able to see the enemy closing in on someone and can stop the attack with a powerful utterance of the Word of God. The enemy cannot hide in their sight.

There is so much more I get into with this, but I believe this is all the LORD would have said on this topic for the moment.

I pray this has blessed you as much as it has me. I am greatly encouraged by what the LORD is doing and I can’t wait to see these things unfold.

May God bless you and keep you until we “meet” again. With love, Kelly 💗


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