
Showing posts from February, 2016

Do not be disheartened.....

Confession time! I have been struggling lately in my walk with the LORD.  It’s not that I don’t believe in Him or believe His Word, but I found myself “chomping at the bit,” so to speak, in wanting to move forward from my current surroundings.  Those surroundings being quite dry, barren, scarce in sustenance, hot during the day, freezing at night, uncomfortable…….you know, a desert place.  I mean, who wants to be there!  And nothing bites worse than knowing you’re in a desert place and that you are unable to get yourself out it. *No wonder my Sunday school teacher has been pulled to Psalm 23 lately. But that’s not the big secret confession.  My confession is that I have been overwhelmed to the point of throwing my hands up and saying “That’s it! I’ve had enough!”  I was ready to take my ball and leave. No more work. No more church. Done!  But try as I might, I couldn’t walk away. And that’s where this little cloud came from. I call it a “funk” or a “rut.” 

A Homecoming

Ahhh…..Homecoming. Where to start? Simply put, a Homecoming is coming back to a place, group, or mindset where you had once “laid roots.” If at a church, you are returning to fellowship with members you had once been in union with. If with family, you and your distant relatives come together and reminisce over old family shenanigans, stories, feuds, and dysfunctions. If for school, you and fellow alumni return to the Alma Mater to display your life’s achievements and engage in some friendly competition with fun (and ridiculously corny) games. You get the point. You’re returning to something that at one time meant so much to you, but something that you have departed from due to life circumstances. You leave a church to follow a calling from the Lord, or at worst due to conflict. You separate from family members after having started your own family, or at worst due to conflict. You move on from school to pursue the very thing that school pre